Background: In 2011, a real estate investment client with a diverse portfolio of office, warehouse and residential exposure throughout North America engaged RMC. The Client had a significant concentration of assets in Florida, which posed challenges to the insurance pricing, terms and conditions. RMC, through a carrier competition, was able to reduce the insurance costs while improving coverages and increasing key coverage limits.
The graphics below represent the 31 locations that have remained on the insurance program since RMC was engaged, six years ago. These locations total approximately 3,900,000 in square feet. Over the years, the assets’ values and Client’s interest have changed (the Client transitioned from owner to third-party property manager at two of their locations), reducing their risk exposure. Through the RMC Process, the Client saw an immediate decrease in their property and liability rates by 49.7% and 46.2%, respectively. With RMC’s involvement, the Client has seen an estimated $13.3M of value added back into its investments, just from these 31 locations.